Configure Solr HA with Pacemaker and Corosync in FileCloud

September 5, 2022

FileCloud is a hyper-secure file storage, sharing and collaboration platform that provides a powerful set of tools for admins and users to manage their data. This includes High Availability (HA) architecture support and content management functionalities, specifically content search via FileCloud’s Solr integration. Solr is an open-source content indexing and search application developed and distributed […]

FileCloud is a hyper-secure file storage, sharing and collaboration platform that provides a powerful set of tools for admins and users to manage their data. This includes High Availability (HA) architecture support and content management functionalities, specifically content search via FileCloud’s Solr integration.

Solr is an open-source content indexing and search application developed and distributed by Apache. This application is included with FileCloud installations.

Pacemaker and Corosync are open-source software solutions maintained by ClusterLabs. These solutions provide cluster management capabilities to client servers. Specifically, Pacemaker is a resource manager tool used on computer clusters for HA architecture, whereas Corosync supports cluster membership and messaging.

By configuring Solr HA in FileCloud with Pacemaker and Corosync, the admin can strengthen redundancy configurations, improve overall resiliency of backend software components, including quorate and resource-driven clusters, and provide fine-tuned management capabilities within and between nodes.

This step-by-step guide will outline how to manually configure Solr HA with Pacemaker and Corosync in FileCloud.

Software Components

solr01 – Solr host – cluster member

solr02 – Solr host – cluster member

solr03 – quorum-device – quorum for cluster

solr-ha – proxy-ha host

NFSShare – NFS resource which can be mounted on solr01 and solr02

The example laid out in this blog post uses CentOS 7 (CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)).

The installation instructions for Pacemaker and Corosync clusters remain the same, regardless of the Linux distributor (Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat, or Debian).

Installation and Configuration Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Cluster

Install all available patches using the following command:

Command(as root):

yum update

After installing the necessary patches, reboot the system. This step must be completed for all three hosts: solr01, solr02, and solr03.

Then, the package that provides necessary nfs-client subsystems must be installed.

command(as root):

yum install -y nfs-utils

Next, wget must be installed.

command(as root):

yum install -y wget

Step 2: Install Solr and Prepare the Cluster Environment

Installing Solr in your FileCloud instance is (naturally) a critical part of configuring Solr HA. As indicated above Solr can be broken down into specific Solr hosts that are members of a cluster. These hosts must be individually configured.

Prepare Clean OS

Beginning with Solr01, prepare a clean Linux-based OS (such as the example we are using, Centos7). You may also use other operating systems according to your preference.

Download FileCloud

On the clean OS, download the FileCloud installation script: (official installation script).

If any issues arise related to the REMI repo, the alternative can be used:

Create a Folder

Create the following folder:  /opt/solrfcdata

Run the Command

Command(as root):

mkdir /opt/solrfcdata

Mount the NFS Filesystem

The NFS filesystem should be mounted under the following:

Command(as root):

mount -t nfs ip_nfs_server:/path/to/nfs_resource /opt/solrfcdata

Start Solr Installation

Next, start the solr component installation from using FileCloud installation script:

command(as root):

sh ./

Follow the instructions until reaching the selection screen.

Select the “solr” option and click “enter.” The installation process may take a few minutes. Wait for confirmation that installation has been completed.

Bind Solrd to External Interface

Host: solr01, solr02

Solrd will, by default, try to bind to the localhost only. Modify the file so that solr binds to the external interface.

Modify the following file: /opt/solr/server/etc/jetty-http.xml

Change the following line in the file.

Original Line:

<Set name="host"><Property name="" default="" /></Set>

New Line:

<Set name="host"><Property name="" default="" /></Set>

Change System Daemon Control to System

Solr was started with the FileCloud installation. Before proceeding, stop the Solr service.

Host: solr01, solr02

command(as root):

/etc/init.d/solr stop

Remove the following file: /etc/init,d/solr

command(as root):

rm /etc/init.d/solr

Create a new file:

command(as root):

touch /etc/systemd/system/solrd.service

Edit this new file and copy the contents specified below to this file:

command(as root):

vi /etc/systemd/system/solrd.service

Copied Content:

### Beginning of File ###
Description=Apache SOLR
ExecStart=/opt/solr/bin/solr start
ExecStop=/opt/solr/bin/solr stop
### End of File ###

Save the file before continuing.

Verify New Service Definition is Working

Host: solr01, solr02

command(as root):

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl stop solrd

It should not return any errors. Start the service:

command(as root):

systemctl start solrd
systemctl status solrd

Expected Output:

Remove Folder Contents

Folder: /opt/solrfcdata

Host: solr02


 command(as root):

systemctl stop solrd
rm -rf /opt/solrfcdata/*

Update Firewall Rules

Complete this step whenever needed, as in the below example on CentOS.

Host: solr01, solr02

command(as root):

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port 8983/tcp
firewall-cmd --reload

With these steps completed, the Solr installation has been carried out to successfully prepare the environment for HA clusters.

Step 3: Set Up Pacemaker

Host: solr01, solr02, solr03

Edit /etc/hosts File

Add the entries for all 3 cluster nodes, so that the file reads as follows:

coresponding_ip    solr01
coresponding_ip    solr02
coresponding_ip    solr03


File: cat /etc/hosts      localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1                 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 solr01 solr02 solr03

Install Cluster Packages

hosts: solr01 and solr02

command(as root):

yum -y install pacemaker pcs corosync-qdevice sbd

Enable and Start the Main Cluster Daemon

hosts: solr01 and solr02

command(as root):

systemctl start pcsd
systemctl enable pcsd

Update Passwords for the Cluster User

hosts: solr01, solr02

Set the same password for all hosts for the hacluster user.

command(as root):

passwd hacluster

Provide the hacluster user with the login credentials, as these will be necessary in later steps.

Open Network Traffic on Firewall

hosts: solr01 and solr02

command(as root):

firewall-cmd --add-service=high-availability –permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

Authorize Cluster Nodes

hosts: Solr01

command(as root):

pcs cluster auth solr01 solr02

Username: hacluster

Password: "secret_password” set in the previous step.

Expected Output:

solr01          Authorized
solr02          Authorized

Create Initial Cluster Instance

hosts: solr01

command(as root):

pcs cluster setup --name solr_cluster solr01 solr02

Start and Enable Cluster Instance

hosts: solr01

command(as root):

pcs cluster start --all
pcs cluster enable --all

Step 4: Set Up QDevice – Quorum Node

Install Software Required for Quorum-only Cluster Node

Install the required software on solr03 (quorum-only cluster node).

Host: solr03

command(as root):

yum install pcs corosync-qnetd

Start and Enable the PCSD Daemon

Host: solr03

command(as root):

systemctl enable pcsd.service
systemctl start pcsd.service

Configure QDevice (Quorum Mechanism)

Host: solr03

command(as root):

pcs qdevice setup model net --enable –start

Open Firewall Traffic

Open the firewall traffic (if required – below example on CentOS)

Host: solr03

command(as root):

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
firewall-cmd --add-service=high-availability

Set the Password for HA Cluster User

Set the password for the hacluster user on solr03.

Host: solr03

command(as root):

passwd hacluster

Provide the password to the HA cluster user. This password should be the same password used for solr01 and solr02.

Authenticate QDevice Host in the Cluster

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs cluster auth solr03

Username: hacluster


Add Quorum Device to the Cluster and Verify

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs quorum device add model net host=solr03 algorithm=lms


Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs quorum status

Expected Output:

Quorum information
Date:             Wed Aug  3 10:27:26 2022
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            2
Node ID:          1
Ring ID:          2/9
Quorate:          Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   3
Highest expected: 3
Total votes:      3
Quorum:           2 
Flags:            Quorate Qdevice

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes    Qdevice Name
         2          1    A,V,NMW solr02
         1          1    A,V,NMW solr01 (local)
         0          1            Qdevice

Step 5: Install Soft-Watchdog

The module softwatchdog should load automatically after rebooting the system.

Host: solr01, solr02

command(as root):

echo softdog > /etc/modules-load.d/watchdog.conf

Reboot solr01 and solr02 to Activate Watchdog

Host: solr01, solr02

command(as root):


Carry out the reboots in sequence:

Step 6: Enable SBD Mechanism in the Cluster

Enable sbd

Host: solr01, solr02

command(as root):

pcs stonith sbd enable

Restart Cluster so pkt 1 Takes Effect

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs cluster stop --all
pcs cluster start --all

Verify the SBD Mechanism

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs stonith sbd status

Expected Output:

<node name>: <installed> | <enabled> | <running>
solr01: YES | YES | YES
solr02: YES | YES | YES

Step 7: Create Cluster Resources

Create Cluster Resource with NFSMount

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs resource create NFSMount Filesystem device= directory=/opt/solrfcdata fstype=nfs --group solr


The parameter device should point to the nfs server and nfs share being used in the configuration.


Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs status

Expected Output:

Cluster name: solr_cluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: solr01 (version 1.1.23-1.el7_9.1-9acf116022) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Wed Aug  3 12:22:36 2022
Last change: Wed Aug  3 12:20:35 2022 by root via cibadmin on solr01

2 nodes configured
1 resource instance configured

Online: [ solr01 solr02 ]

Full list of resources:
Resource Group: solr
     NFSMount   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started solr01

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/enabled
  pacemaker: active/enabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
  sbd: active/enabled

Change the Recovery Strategy for the NFSMount Resource

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs resource update NFSMount meta on-fail=fence

Create Cluster Resource – solrd

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs resource create solrd systemd:solrd --group solr


Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs status

Expected Output:

Cluster name: solr_cluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: solr01 (version 1.1.23-1.el7_9.1-9acf116022) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Wed Aug  3 12:25:45 2022
Last change: Wed Aug  3 12:25:22 2022 by root via cibadmin on solr01

2 nodes configured
2 resource instances configured

Online: [ solr01 solr02 ]

Full list of resources:

 Resource Group: solr
     NFSMount   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started solr01
     solrd      (systemd:solrd):        Started solr02

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/enabled
  pacemaker: active/enabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
  sbd: active/enabled

Set Additional Cluster Parameters

Host: solr01

command(as root):

pcs property set stonith-watchdog-timeout=36
pcs property set no-quorum-policy=suicide

Step 8: Configure haproxy on Dedicated Host

Install haproxy on Clean OS

Our example uses CentOS.

Host: solr-ha

command(as root):

yum install -y haproxy

Configure the haproxy

Configure the haproxy to redirect to the active solr node.

Host: solr-ha

backup file: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

command(as root):

mv /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg_bck

Create an Empty File

File: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Add Content

Add the content below into the empty file.

#### beginning of /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ###
    log local2
    chroot      /var/lib/haproxy
    pidfile     /var/run/
    maxconn     4000
    user        haproxy
    group       haproxy
    stats socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats
    mode                    http
    log                     global
    option                  httplog
    option                  dontlognull
    option http-server-close
    option forwardfor       except
    option                  redispatch
    retries                 3
    timeout http-request    10s
    timeout queue           1m
    timeout connect         10s
    timeout client          1m
    timeout server          1m
    timeout http-keep-alive 10s
    timeout check           10s
    maxconn                 3000

frontend solr_front *:8983
        default_backend solr_back

backend static
    balance     roundrobin
    server      static check

backend solr_back
        server solr01   solr01:8983 check
        server solr02   solr02:8983 check
#### beginning of /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg ###

Ensure that parameters solr01/solr02 point to the full DNS name or to the IP of the cluster nodes.

Start haproxy

Host: solr-ha


systemctl enable haproxy
systemctl start haproxy

Solr service will be available on host solr-ha on port 8983 – independent of where it is really running, either on solr01 or solr02.


Congratulations! If you followed these step-by-step instructions, you will have successfully configured Solr with high availability along with Pacemaker and Corosync. This configuration will serve to improve redundancy and security for your critical data.

For any questions on Solr or High-Availability architecture, schedule a consultation or configuration support session.


Article written by Marek Frueauff, Solutions Architect

Edited by Katie Gerhardt, Junior Product Marketing Manager


Appendix – Glossary of Terms

Below are the key terms used in this article, listed in alphabetical order.

Term Definition
Cluster The group of servers or other IT systems, which primary purpose is to realize similar or exactly the same function to achieve one or both of the outcome’s: High Availability or Load Balance.
Cluster Quorum Server or other system that is part of the cluster and performs a particular role: verify which production cluster nodes (servers) can be communicated and their health status. In cluster members are missing, the cluster quorum system decides if the remaining servers can operate and continue providing services or if it should be treated as unhealthy. There is a risk of the split brain situation. The main purpose of the cluster quorum system is to avoid the split brain scenario.
Corosync Corosync is a typical part of High Availability architecture set up in Linux or Unix systems and usually exists alongside pacemaker. Corosync is the communication engine responsible for keeping cluster nodes (servers) in sync state.
Firewall Software or hardware which can inspect and manipulate based on the multiple rules the network traffic. The modern firewalls implementations can operate on multiple network layers (usually from 3 to 7) including the network frame content inspection.
Firewall-cmd The modern Linux build in firewall software implementation.
nfs Network File System – is the filesystem which by design is network related. It is common method to share file resources in the unix environment. Due to very long history related to this technology it has been implemented almost on all possible operating systems and became very popular and commonly used.
Pacemaker Open-source software involved in cluster resource management and part of a typical High Availability setup on Linux systems to provide modern functions and cluster management resources.
Proxy Software or hardware solution that provides a gateway between two networks separated by design. A proxy is usually installed between the public Internet and a local network and allows some communications between those network segments based on predefined rules. A proxy can also be used for other purposes, like load balancing: for example redirecting incoming connections from one network to multiple hosts in another network segment.
Proxy-HA The specific implementation of the proxy mechanism to provide High Availability service, which is usually correlated with a single host (server). In our example proxy-ha is used to verify where services are currently running (on which cluster servers) and redirect all incoming requests to the active node.
Resource Group A logical organization unit within the pacemaker cluster implementation that enables control of the dependencies between particular resources managed by the cluster. For example, the nfs server that shares files must be started after the filesystem where the files resists and additionally on the same cluster node (server) – this control can be easily achieved using Resource Groups.
QDevice The software implementation of the quorum functionality in the pacemaker cluster setup. This kind of functionality is being installed on the cluster host, which will perform the quorum role only, and will never provide any other services.
SBD Stonith Block Device - by design this the implementation of the additional communication and stonith mechanism on top of shared block device between cluster nodes (servers). In some cases, sbd can be used in the diskless mode (as in our example). To operate in this mode, the watchdog mechanism needs to be enabled/installed.
Solr Advanced and open-source search and indexing system maintained and developed by Apache. This mechanism is a part of the standard FileCloud installation.
Split Brain Very dangerous scenario in all cluster environments in which a node or nodes loses the ability to communicate with the rest of the node population due to an environment malfunction (most often due to lost network connectivity). In this situation, a separated node may “think” that it is the “last man standing” and calls up all cluster resources to begin providing all services. This resource demand is repeated by all cluster nodes, leading to disagreement on which node should remain active and which services the cluster should provide. Each cluster implementation has multiple built-in mechanisms to prevent this situation, which can easily lead to data corruption. One such mechanism is stonith, which is activated as soon as the node is loses its “quorate” status –indicating a high probability that the node is not visible by the rest of the environment.
Stonith Shut The Other Node in The Head is a mechanism that allows an immediate restart (without any shut down procedure) of any node in the cluster. This mechanism is extremely important to prevent potential data corruption by the wrong cluster node behavior.
SystemV The name of the former Linux approach to starting and stopping system services (daemons).
SystemD The name of the modern Linux approach to starting and stopping system services (daemons) and much more. Each modern Linux distribution now uses systemd as the main mechanism to manage system services.
Watchdog The software or hardware mechanism that works like a delayed bomb detonator. The watchdog is periodically pinged by the system (approximately every 5 seconds) to reset the countdown procedure. If the countdown reaches 0, watchdog will reset the operating system immediately. Watchdog is used with Pacemaker in clusters to ensure that nodes remain recognized within the cluster community. In the event of a lost connection (which is the typical reason behind the Split Brain scenario), Watchdog enables an immediate reboot of the node.



By Katie Gerhardt

Jr. Product Marketing Manager