FileCloud Newsletter
star.png FileCloud’s Compliance Center is Better than Ever

Compliance has always been a vital part of FileCloud. In fact, FileCloud was the first in the world to introduce compliance support for GDPR for private cloud enterprise file sharing! We’ve since introduced an entire Compliance Center that connects regulatory requirements with FileCloud best practices, security recommendations, and policies. A dashboard view makes it easy for admins to track violations or issues. Compliance Center As part of the 21.3 release, we added GDPR and HIPAA tabs to the Compliance Center, on top of the ITAR tab available since our 21.2 release. GDPR Tab The GDPR tab provides admins with options to address GDPR requirements like user privacy consent, right to access, steps to anonymize data, and more. HIPAA Tab This tab helps admins achieve HIPAA compliance by connecting FileCloud tools like retention policies with data security requirements (e.g., keep patient’s health information for at least 6 years).

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star.png FileCloud’s Newest Integrations

We’ve designed FileCloud to be a one-stop shop for content collaboration, file sharing, and storage. One of the ways we do this is by ensuring that FileCloud can integrate with your favorite apps and tools. We also listen when you suggest additions, which is why we’ve recently added two important integrations: Google Apps Google offers content collaboration tools that many use for their cloud-based functionality. Now, you can open files in Google Apps directly from FileCloud. Collaborate in Docs, Sheets, and Slides in real-time with the benefit of FileCloud’s hyper-secure environment. MS Teams-FileCloud Integration

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Microsoft Teams If you’re already using Microsoft 365, you may be familiar with Microsoft Teams. Now, users can easily share files in the Teams message bar and send direct share links to their contacts (no FileCloud login required!). You can even access file details like metadata, comments, and version history. MS Teams-FileCloud Integration
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star.png Tip of the Month

Our tip is for admins this month! In our 21.2 update, we added support for special NTFS permissions with network folders. Learn how to implement NTFS permissions in FileCloud with our step-by-step documentation.

Read the Documentation →
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Phone: +1 (888) 571-6480 Fax: +1 (866) 824-9584 Ideas Forum
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13785 Research Blvd, Suite 125
Austin TX 78750, USA

Phone: +1 (888) 571-6480
Fax: +1 (866) 824-9584


FileCloud Technologies Limited
Hamilton House 2,
Limerick, Ireland

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