New Case Study Alert! FileCloud Provides Large Storage and File Sharing for CalArts University

May 10, 2024

For California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), a renowned fine arts university dedicated to visual and performing arts, finding the right tools to foster creativity and streamline collaboration is crucial. In this case study, we delved into CalArts’ transformative journey with FileCloud, exploring how the institution overcame the challenges of large file storage and sharing. […]

For California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), a renowned fine arts university dedicated to visual and performing arts, finding the right tools to foster creativity and streamline collaboration is crucial.

In this case study, we delved into CalArts' transformative journey with FileCloud, exploring how the institution overcame the challenges of large file storage and sharing. In the end, they were able to deploy a tool that met and exceeded their needs.

CalArts' Initial Challenge

Like many educational institutions, CalArts faced a growing need for efficient file sharing and storage solutions. With a diverse community of students, faculty, and staff engaged in various creative endeavors, the need for storage and sharing of large video and image files was ever-present.

Initially relying on Google Workspace for Education, CalArts found themselves at a crossroads when Google updated their pricing tiers. The service was no longer available for free, and CalArts could only get the storage they needed at a large markup.

Seeking the Perfect Solution

As a fine arts school, students and staff at CalArts needed the option to store and share large files (including images and videos). These files serve as the backbone of collaborative projects at CalArts, which meant large file sharing and storage was a top requirement for the school.

In addition, they also needed:

These requirements meant that CalArts needed a broad EFSS solution that also provided collaboration tools, without breaking the budget.

Why FileCloud?

After extensive research and testing, CalArts found FileCloud to be the perfect fit for their needs. Unlike other solutions, FileCloud offered unlimited storage, a familiar cloud interface, sharing options, and seamless integration with existing tools like Office 365 and Outlook.

Moreover, FileCloud's granular access controls and Active Directory integration ensured efficient management of user permissions, even with frequent changes to the user population with incoming and departing students and staff.

The Implementation Process

With FileCloud identified as the ideal solution, CalArts wasted no time in moving forward with implementation. Within a matter of months, the institution had deployed FileCloud's high-availability server product, ensuring minimal disruption to their operations.

Thanks to FileCloud's intuitive design and minimal training requirements, CalArts' IT team witnessed a smooth transition, with users quickly adapting to the new platform.

Unleashing the Power of Collaboration and Unlimited Storage

With FileCloud integrated into their workflow, CalArts is able to leverage unlimited storage – students and staff no longer had to worry about running out of space for their creative endeavors.

Furthermore, FileCloud's integration options with popular productivity tools like Office 365 and Google Docs make collaboration effortless. Users can work with the same tools they prefer and focus on their projects without technical barriers.

Read the Full Case Study

Curious to learn more about CalArts' journey with FileCloud? Click here to read the full case study and discover how FileCloud can work for you.

Written by Megan Barnard, Jr. Content Marketing Strategist 

By Megan Barnard

Digital Content Specialist