Archive for the ‘Cloud Computing’ Category

The Importance of Backing Up SaaS Data

In situations where data is lost due to accidental deletion, user error, data corruption, malicious attack or third party application errors, organizations are left in the wind to fend for their own and recover data they had entrusted to a…

Top 5 Best Practices for Cloud-to-Cloud Backup

Any forward-thinking business understands that you either back up your SaaS-based data or risk losing employees, partners, and customers.

Why FileCloud is Ideal for Accessing and Sharing Files in Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

how do you leverage VDI to optimize your business without compromising on security, accessibility, control, and cost? The answer is FileCloud.

Are You Aware of the Unintended Consequences of SaaS?

Remember the good ol’ days when software had to be downloaded and accessed on-premises? Well, the advent of SaaS changed all that and made life easier for everybody involved. Scalable, easy to install, and most importantly, cheap, Software as a…

How to Make the Best use of Cloud Services?

Best Use of Cloud Services Not long ago, cloud computing’s use for organizations was primarily centred on storing data online. Of course, that’s just one of the several use cases that different cloud service models enable. Syncing data with a…

Why US Government Organizations Should Move to Private Cloud

    Since its inception, cloud computing has managed to transform the business landscape in unforeseen ways. While the private sector has been capitalizing on the multiple benefits of cloud computing for a while now; government organizations have also aggressively…

Cognitive Search: A New Generation of Enterprise search

A lot of organizations have begun making significant investments in digital transformation in order to fill their operational gaps. One of the areas seeing this transformation is search, mainstream search is broken. Data volumes are growing at an exponential rate…

Is Network Monitoring System Worth the Investment?

Your business’ digital network is your most important operations-enablement asset. A network problem could bring mission-critical business applications to a grinding halt. Inaccessible websites, unusable ERP applications, excruciatingly slow loading application screens, the inability of one system to connect with…

Backup Mistakes That Companies Continue to Commit

    Imagine a situation where you wake up, reach your office, and witness the chaos. Because your business applications are not working anymore. And that’s because your business data doesn’t exist anymore! Information about thousands of customers, products, sales…

MSP Trends That Will Reshape the Market in 2018

The digital economy works on the currency of ‘cloud’. For so many years now, the shout out has been for companies to move over to cloud-based storage, infrastructure, and application solutions. In the era of Anything-as-a-Service, enterprises need to think…