FileCloud Client Updates Now Available for Desktop and Drive!

April 30, 2024

Updates to FileCloud Desktop & Drive |  FileCloud continues to evolve, releasing new features and functionalities that help our users get work done. We also strive to continuously improve existing software, to provide a smooth and efficient experience. The recent releases of FileCloud Desktop for macOS (version 23.232.6) and FileCloud Drive (version offer a […]

Updates to FileCloud Desktop & Drive | 

FileCloud continues to evolve, releasing new features and functionalities that help our users get work done. We also strive to continuously improve existing software, to provide a smooth and efficient experience.

The recent releases of FileCloud Desktop for macOS (version 23.232.6) and FileCloud Drive (version offer a host of enhancements and bug fixes to enhance usability and reliability.

We are particularly thankful to our clients and end-users who participated in beta testing FileCloud Desktop for macOS prior to the grand reveal. Our goal is to publish the best quality software we can; with your help, we can confidently roll out FileCloud Desktop, so all our macOS users can experience this all-in-one client.

Without further ado, let's dive into the details!

FileCloud Desktop for macOS (Version 23.232.6)

FileCloud Desktop (FCD) is an all-in-one client application that supports anywhere-anytime file access and synchronization, directly from the user’s desktop. Additionally, FCD makes content stored in FileCloud available as a local mapped folder directory location for easy, offline access.

Image of FileCloud Desktop client application UI.

FileCloud Desktop Enhancements

Revamped Dashboard Interface:
The dashboard has undergone a makeover, sporting a fresh new look that enhances user experience. We also added a "Send Feedback" link, enabling users to return comments and suggestions directly from the interface. This fosters a more collaborative environment where user feedback plays a crucial role in shaping future updates.

Clarified Settings Tab:
FileCloud for Office (our Microsoft Office integration) can be enabled within the FCD client; we have updated the wording for this setting to avoid confusion. Now it reads, "FileCloud for Office Integration." Users can toggle the setting to activate FileCloud for Office (the default state will be inactive).

Optimized Sync Indicator:

Keeping track of file synchronization status is now more visual and informative. The menu bar icon now features a circle with rotating arrows when FileCloud Desktop is actively syncing data, providing users with clear feedback on the sync process.

To learn more about this release (including bug fixes), check out our release notes:

Read FCD Release Notes

FileCloud Drive (Version

FileCloud Drive is a client application that allows users to access their stored files in FileCloud by creating a virtual directory. With connection to a network, users can work online or offline, without needing to manually sync changes.

Image of FileCloud Drive client app desktop interface

FileCloud Drive Enhancements:

Increased Storage Quota Configuration:

Administrators now have greater flexibility in managing users' storage quotas for Drive on Windows. A new configuration parameter enables admins to increase storage quotas to cater to the evolving needs of their users.

To learn more about this FileCloud Drive release (including bug fixes), check out the release notes:

Read Drive Release Notes

Continuous Improvement for FileCloud Clients

These updates underscore FileCloud's commitment to delivering a robust and user-friendly platform for file sharing and collaboration. By addressing user feedback and continuously refining features, FileCloud empowers organizations to streamline their workflows and maximize productivity.

To benefit from these enhancements and bug fixes, users are encouraged to update their FileCloud Desktop for macOS and FileCloud Drive installations promptly.

Download the updated client versions through the release notes linked above or by visiting our Client Downloads page:

Download Updated Clients

With each iteration, FileCloud reaffirms its position as a leading solution for secure file sharing and collaboration. By staying responsive to user needs and investing in continuous improvement, FileCloud remains at the forefront of innovation in the file management space.

By Katie Gerhardt

Jr. Product Marketing Manager