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Together with productivity and efficiency, security is therefore also an important consideration. First United Bank wanted to host its own file sharing and synchronization service in a way that fitted in with its existing IT architecture and offered capabilities to protect data across all accessing devices – including monitoring, preventing and resolving any instances of data leakage. Banking and government regulations also required user activities to be recorded within a secure system for audit purposes.
As Sean Rich, Vice President & Senior Network Engineer for First United Bank, explains, a file sharing and synchronization solution self hosted by the bank “must work with iPad and Android devices. It must have the ability to work with Active Directory and give use the ability for read only settings.” In addition to providing the requisite functionality, the solution must be affordable. Banks feel the same pressure as enterprises in other sectors to keep costs to a minimum and compete effectively to win customer business.
After considering different vendor solutions with varying functionality and costs, First United Bank chose FileCloud and its unique capabilities for securely synchronizing and sharing files. FileCloud was integrated into the bank’s IT infrastructure without the need to either move data or reconfigure permissions. Immediate interworking with the existing Active Directory implementation made it easy yet safe to give users access to files and data. FileCloud’s detailed connected devices inventory and activity and access logs brought First United Bank all the tools needed for data compliance too.
FileCloud is now an ongoing success story for First United Bank. Sean Rich says “FileCloud has allowed the IT department to offer a solution to our executive team and board members for accessing confidential bank data outside our network using mobile devices. This has been a big hit with our users and we hope to continue to use it for other solutions in the future.” The first phase of deployment has also given First United Bank further ideas about how to enhance the end-user experience, while maintaining full security. FileCloud and First United Bank will be working together to bring new features to bank employees and board members.